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OAK Pinot Grigio21nv 1200

2022 Pinot Grigio

This Pinot Gri­gio is from our organ­i­cal­ly cer­ti­fied Estate Whale Rock Vine­yard in the Tem­ple­ton Gap of Paso Rob­les. It’s always one of the first grapes picked in this vine­yard and gives us a glimpse of the har­vest to come. This Pinot Gri­gio is fruity and round, but fin­ish­es crisp like the Ital­ian ver­sion. The Oak­en­shield wines are a spe­cial bot­tling by Niels and Bim­mer pro­duced to cel­e­brate the spir­it of the good life and to hon­or friends and fam­i­ly both past and present.

The Pinot Gri­gio was har­vest­ed at a lev­el of ripeness that kept it below 14%, a low­er degree of ripeness that avoids hot­ness yet allows full fla­vor and aro­ma devel­op­ment. Slow, cool fer­men­ta­tion in stain­less steel tank using a yeast select­ed for aro­ma pro­duc­tion is employed. Oak aging would be coun­ter­pro­duc­tive to the desired style and was not used. The skins of this vari­ety have pig­ment which is why the name
trans­lates to Pinot Grey.

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  • Vintage


  • Appellation

    Paso Robles

  • Varietal

    Pinot Grigio

  • Alcohol


Paso Robles’ first 100% certified sustainable vineyards & winery.

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Dam Fine Wines

At Cas­toro Cel­lars all of our wines are sourced exclu­sive­ly from our Estate Grown Vine­yards all through­out the Paso Rob­les appel­la­tion. Our organ­i­cal­ly farmed vine­yards pro­vide us with some of the best fruit on the Cen­tral Coast, result­ing in world-class wines. With over 20 wines to choose from and over 35 years of expe­ri­ence it’s hard to go wrong with a bot­tle of Dam Fine Wine!

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