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SHIP­PING INCLUD­ED on wine orders over $199.00

Web Wednesday

Every Wednes­day we have a one day sale, with dis­counts up to 50% off and more!

Valid Wednesdays only. Check back on Wednesday!

A Blend Like No Other

Pasofusion 2021

Six Bottles
$175 Shipped ($155 Club)

Intro­duc­ing the 2021 Paso­fu­sion, a true reflec­tion of Paso Rob­les ter­roir. For $175, you can enjoy six bot­tles of this excep­tion­al blend of Tan­nat, Prim­i­ti­vo, Petite Sir­ah, Carig­nane, Tem­pranil­lo, and Syrah. Rev­el in its com­plex fla­vors of dark fruit, leather, pep­per, black cher­ry, plums, cedar, and choco­late. Ide­al for pair­ing with hearty dish­es and spe­cial occasions.

The mild weath­er of this vin­tage has pro­duced a wine with bright fruit and soft tan­nins. Each grape vari­ety adds to its unique char­ac­ter, result­ing in a bal­anced and ele­gant pro­file. Delight in the blue­ber­ry notes from Syrah, the spice from Bar­bera and Mer­lot, and the rich­ness from Petite Sir­ah. The 2021 Paso­fu­sion is a tes­ta­ment to the artistry of Paso Rob­les winemaking.

And again, thanks so much for join­ing us!

-Ryan and the Dam Fine Cas­toro Team.

Dam Fine Print:
This offer is valid on Feb­ru­ary 19th, 2025, only. The offer can­not be com­bined with any oth­er dis­counts, coupons, pro­mo­tions, or spe­cial offers. Sales tax will be applied where required by law. Addi­tion­al ship­ping charges apply for orders shipped to Alas­ka and Hawaii.