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SHIP­PING INCLUD­ED on wine orders over $199.00

Web Wednesday

Every Wednes­day we have a one day sale, with dis­counts up to 50% off and more!

Valid Wednesdays only. Check back on Wednesday!

Twelve Bottles
One Epic Case Special

Zinfusion 2022

Twelve Bottles

$239 Shipped ($199 Club)

Zin­fu­sion 2022 is here — and it’s got big fla­vor ener­gy! This bold Paso Rob­les blend of Prim­i­ti­vo, Petite Sir­ah, and Zin­fan­del is packed with juicy dark fruit, vel­vety vanil­la, and a cheeky splash of white pep­per. Grown on organ­ic, sus­tain­ably farmed vines and aged for a year in Amer­i­can oak, it’s a swirl of rich aro­mas and fla­vors that just don’t quit.

Per­fect for din­ner par­ties, fire pits, or treat­ing your­self to a Tues­day night upgrade — this wine doesn’t take itself too seri­ous­ly, but it seri­ous­ly deliv­ers. Grab a case (12 bot­tles) for $239 shipped and let the good times pour!

And again, thanks so much for join­ing us!

-Ryan and the Dam Fine Cas­toro Team.

Dam Fine Print:
This offer is valid on March 26th, 2025, only. The offer can­not be com­bined with any oth­er dis­counts, coupons, pro­mo­tions, or spe­cial offers. Sales tax will be applied where required by law. Addi­tion­al ship­ping charges apply for orders shipped to Alas­ka and Hawaii.