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Locat­ed just off High­way 46 West in the heart of Paso Rob­les wine coun­try, Bethel Rd. is the per­fect spot to enjoy craft spir­its and wine in a cozy and invit­ing setting.

Bethel Rd.

The path to Bethel Rd. has been one of pas­sion, exper­i­men­ta­tion and homage to the tra­di­tion of spir­it mak­ing from around the world. Since Niels Udsen’s time liv­ing in Italy, mak­ing Ital­ian style Grap­pa has been some­thing he dreamed of. After acquir­ing one of the first dis­till­ing licens­es in the coun­ty and an Arnold Hol­stein Bavar­i­an Still the dream has final­ly become a reality.

Cur­rent­ly the dis­tillery and win­ery is run by the Udsen fam­i­ly, with Max, Lau­ren, Mali­na and Luke tak­ing the lead. Cre­ativ­i­ty and com­mu­ni­ty are at the cen­ter of the Bethel Rd. mis­sion with the goal being to man­i­fest a space that is both invit­ing and inspi­ra­tional. One can expect much more than dis­tilled spir­its when vis­it­ing Bethel Rd.

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