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20200528 WISE 60703

In its purest form sus­tain­abil­i­ty is the act of liv­ing and doing busi­ness in ways that do not deplete the nat­ur­al envi­ron­ment and its pre­cious resources.

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2020 PRWCA Environmental Winery of the Year Recipient

What is Sustainability?

Sus­tain­abil­i­ty is the act of incor­po­rat­ing envi­ron­men­tal respon­si­bil­i­ty, social equi­ty and eco­nom­ic via­bil­i­ty in all aspects of the wine­mak­ing process in order to ensure that future gen­er­a­tions will be able to enjoy the fruits of the land as we enjoy them today. In its purest form sus­tain­abil­i­ty is the act of liv­ing and doing busi­ness in ways that do not deplete the nat­ur­al envi­ron­ment and its pre­cious resources.

Why is it important?

At Cas­toro Cel­lars we believe that every lit­tle bit helps and every pos­i­tive change makes a dif­fer­ence that can be felt across the world. For this rea­son, we have been at the fore­front of sus­tain­able farm­ing and wine­mak­ing in Paso Rob­les for near­ly 30 years.

Solar Power at Castoro Cellars:

At Cas­toro Cel­lars we under­stand the impor­tance of find­ing alter­na­tive ener­gy sources that will help us lessen our impact on the nat­ur­al envi­ron­ment. In 2006 Cas­toro Cel­lars installed 42 solar pan­els at our Cob­ble Creek vine­yard and installed an even larg­er solar pan­el sys­tem on the roof of our events room locat­ed beside the tast­ing room in Tem­ple­ton. In 2012 an addtion­al solar array was installed at our Dos Vinas vine­yard to off­set the ener­gy need­ed to pow­er two wells and a home that occu­py the prop­er­ty. Most recent­ly in 2015 our largest instal­la­tion to date was installed with an annu­al pro­duc­tion of 1,042,403 kWh. The pow­er gen­er­at­ed from these pan­els allows us to min­i­mize our impact on the envi­ron­ment and sup­port a sys­tem we believe to be nec­es­sary for a sus­tain­able future. 

Electric Monarch Tractors:

The future of farming

We are very excit­ed to be step­ping into a new realm of farm­ing with our fleet of ful­ly elec­tric Monarch trac­tors. These trac­tors not only oper­ate exclu­sive­ly on bat­tery pow­er, they are able to work autonomous­ly using gps coordinate. 

We are still in the begin­ning phas­es of the adven­ture but we are very excit­ed about where it will take us. 

Sustainable Agriculture at Castoro:

What is Sustainable Agriculture?

Sus­tain­able agri­cul­ture pro­motes the stew­ard­ship of both nat­ur­al and human resources with the goal of inte­grat­ing envi­ron­men­tal­ly sound prac­tices, social equi­ty and eco­nom­ic fea­si­bil­i­ty into all deci­sions made about the vineyards.

Organic and SIP Certified Vineyards at Castoro Cellars: 

Cas­toro Cel­lars’ vine­yards are com­plete­ly grown in com­pli­ance by the Cal­i­for­nia Cer­ti­fied Organ­ic Farm­ers (CCOF) which is com­pli­ant with USDA stan­dards. The cer­ti­fi­ca­tion cov­ers the west side Cob­ble Creek vine­yard, Whale Rock vine­yard, Stone’s Throw and a por­tion of the Blind Faith estate vine­yard. Each vine­yard must be farmed with­out the use of syn­thet­ic pes­ti­cides, her­bi­cides, or chem­i­cal fer­til­iz­ers. Along with being 100% organ­i­cal­ly grown, every vine­yard is also 100% SIP certified.


Sustainability in Practice (SIP) Certification

  • SIP Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion is avail­able to grow­ers and winer­ies through­out California.
  • SIP looks at the whole farm ver­i­fy­ing the farm­ers com­mit­ment to envi­ron­men­tal stew­ard­ship, equi­table treat­ment of employ­ees, and busi­ness sustainability.
  • SIP is a prac­tice and performance-based
  • SIP has a high thresh­old for eligibility
  • SIP pro­hibits the use of high-risk pes­ti­cides (organophos­phates, ground­wa­ter con­t­a­m­i­nants, just to name a few).
  • A bot­tle of wine can bear the SIP Seal, giv­en it has under­gone a chain of cus­tody audit con­firm­ing it is made with at least 85% SIP Cer­ti­fied fruit