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Disc Golf

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About Disc Golf:

We invite you to come enjoy the great out­doors at our state of the art, pre­mier 18-hole disc golf course and infor­ma­tion­al ranch tour!

The course is nes­tled near the tast­ing room facil­i­ty, on HWY 46 West, in our organ­i­cal­ly farmed and Sus­tain­abil­i­ty In Prac­tice (SIP) Cer­ti­fied Whale Rock Vine­yard. This disc course suits all lev­els, from the nev­er-thrown-a-disc-before novice to the expert. Course map, disc rental and infor­ma­tion avail­able upon check in.

Check in at the tast­ing room and come throw with us any­time dur­ing hours of oper­a­tion! 10 – 5:00pm. All play­ers must be off the course by 5pm.

  • Free to wine club mem­bers. Join today!
  • Join our 1‑day in the vines disc club ($5)
  • No Dogs Allowed on course, **please plan ahead**
  • No smok­ing on the course
  • Must check in by 4pm and be off the course by 5pm
  • Course clos­es when mud­dy and/​or raining.

Course Description:

Set amongst rolling hills of old growth oaks and vine­yards, this scenic course is fun yet chal­leng­ing. Whale Rock Disc Golf Course is designed to be enjoy­able for kids and begin­ners while chal­leng­ing the expert. We high­ly encour­age ALL skill lev­els to come play and to bring the entire family.

  • Mach 5 bas­kets with con­crete tee pads. Bench­es at all 18 sites
  • All holes are par three vary­ing from 225 – 490 feet with mul­ti­ple pin locations
  • Haz­ards vary due to active ranch conditions
5 V5 A4475

What is Disc Golf?

What is Disc Golf:

Played much like tra­di­tion­al golf, disc golf uses a disc in the place of ball and clubs. The intent of the game is to throw a disc into an ele­vat­ed met­al bas­ket. The play­er moves from tee” to hole”, the trees, shrubs and ter­rain change in and around the fair­ways” which pro­vide chal­leng­ing obsta­cles. Ulti­mate­ly, the putt” is tossed into the bas­ket and the hole is com­plet­ed. The goal of disc golf is to com­plete the course in the fewest num­ber of shots.

What is Whale Rock”?

The Whale Rock Vine­yard, like much of the world, was at one point in time under the sea. When we began farm­ing the vine­yard, we knew the prop­er­ty was spe­cial and soon it became evi­dent why. Scat­tered through­out the prop­er­ty are thou­sands of pet­ri­fied whale bones that date back 10 – 20 mil­lion years. To hon­or these ancient mam­mals, we have incor­po­rat­ed whale rocks” into each one of the cement tee pads.

It is for this rea­son that a spe­cial Whale Rock label is used for our Prim­i­ti­vo and Pinot Gri­gio that is grown on this site.

Learn more about the Whale Rock Vine­yards here

1315 North Bethel Rd., Tem­ple­ton, CA 93446