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At Cas­toro we treat our wine club mem­bers like fam­i­ly and we pride our­selves on hav­ing a wide vari­ety of options and ben­e­fits. Join our club and join the fam­i­ly today!

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Dam Fine Club

If you are a Cas­toro fan and would like to keep up on new releas­es, exclu­sive wine club bot­tlings, cur­rent events and rare library wines, this Club is for you!

Join­ing the club is the best way to keep up to date on the lat­est and great­est we have to offer! Sign up to receive reg­u­lar ship­ments of new releases.

Beaver's Selection

Sample Selection:

  • Trentacinque 2016
  • Cabernet Dorsa 2016
  • Syrah Reserve 2016
  • Zinfusion 2015
  • Viognier 2017
  • Falanghina 2017

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Red Wine Selection

Sample Selection:

  • Trentacinque 2016
  • Cabernet Dorsa 2016
  • Syrah Reserve 2016
  • Zinfusion 2015
  • Pinot Noir Blind Faith 2017
  • Petite Sirah 2015

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White Wine Selection

Sample Selection:

  • Chenin Blanc 2015
  • Balena 2016
  • Albarino 2017
  • méthode champenoise
  • Viognier 2017
  • Falanghina 2015

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All ship­ments are six bot­tles per ship­ment, quar­ter­ly, and are avail­able in Beaver’s Selec­tion (4 reds, 2 whites), Red Wine Selec­tion (6 reds) and White Wine Selec­tion (6 whites).

  • Ship­ping to 40+ States or Will-Call
  • Com­pli­men­ta­ry Tast­ing (Plus 2 guests)
  • Event Dis­counts
  • Admis­sion to our Annu­al Mem­ber BBQ
  • Two dis­count­ed tick­ets per mem­ber­ship to Whale Rock Music & Arts Fes­ti­val
  • Exclu­sive Week­ly Sales — Web Wednesday
  • Quar­ter­ly Ship­ments: Feb­ru­ary, May, Sep­tem­ber, November
  • 25% Dis­count on Cur­rent Release Wines
  • 25% Dis­count on Logo Wear
  • Club Mem­ber access online for dis­counts 247
  • A com­ple­men­tary gift includ­ed in your Christ­mas shipment
  • Access to pre-release wines 
  • Free admis­sion to the Whale Rock Disc Golf Course & Ranch Tour

$120 per ship­ment and $0 shipping!

* We ship to AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, DC, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IA, KS, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MO, MT, NV, NH, NM, NY, NC, ND, OR, PA, SC, SD, TN, TX, VA, VT, WA, WI and WY. For all oth­er states please call as reg­u­la­tions often change. Ship­ping to AK and HI is extra. Two Ship­ment Min­i­mum required.

If you pre­fer not to sign up on-line you can call us toll-free at 888-DAM-FINE.