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BETH Rose20

2023 Bethel Rd. Rosé

Craft­ed in the renowned Tem­ple­ton Gap region of Paso Rob­les, Cal­i­for­nia, this 2023 Rosé from the Whale Rock Vine­yard exem­pli­fies ele­gance and pre­ci­sion. Made from 100% organ­i­cal­ly cer­ti­fied Grenache, inten­tion­al­ly grown for Rosé, the grapes were hand-har­vest­ed on Octo­ber 10, 2023, at peak ripeness. A cool, stain­less-steel fer­men­ta­tion with select yeast strains enhances com­plex­i­ty and mouth­feel, fol­lowed by four months of aging in neu­tral bar­rels. The result is a bril­liant light salmon-col­ored Rosé, tru­ly a pool­side favorite.

Entic­ing aro­mas of mel­on, gar­de­nia, and fresh rasp­ber­ries set the stage for a silky and grace­ful palate, where fla­vors of water­mel­on and a del­i­cate hint of lime linger on the fin­ish. This lim­it­ed bot­tling of only 150 cas­es show­cas­es the excep­tion­al grow­ing sea­son of 2023, marked by a cool spring, mild sum­mer, and long hang times. A tes­ta­ment to the vineyard’s ded­i­ca­tion and nature’s per­fect tim­ing, this Rosé cap­tures the vibrant spir­it of the vintage.

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    Templeton Gap

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At Cas­toro Cel­lars all of our wines are sourced exclu­sive­ly from our Estate Grown Vine­yards all through­out the Paso Rob­les appel­la­tion. Our organ­i­cal­ly farmed vine­yards pro­vide us with some of the best fruit on the Cen­tral Coast, result­ing in world-class wines. With over 20 wines to choose from and over 35 years of expe­ri­ence it’s hard to go wrong with a bot­tle of Dam Fine Wine!

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