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CAS Brut20

2020 NV Brut Méthode Champenoise

We invite you to cel­e­brate life with this Blanc de Blanc sparkling wine made tra­di­tion­al­ly from start to fin­ish in the Méth­ode Cham­p­enoise fash­ion. Sec­ondary fer­men­ta­tion in the bot­tle and 18 months of yeast aging results in live­ly bead of sophis­ti­cat­ed bub­bles with a toast­ed aged com­plex­i­ty. A per­fect addi­tion to any bruch or gath­er­ing of friends.

The Méth­ode Cham­p­enoise Process:

Our sparkling wine is craft­ed uti­liz­ing the tra­di­tion­al Méth­ode Cham­p­enoise process. The cuvée, or base wine, for this bub­bly is 100% estate grown Chardon­nay grapes from our Blind Faith vine­yard. The grapes were har­vest­ed in late August, arriv­ing at the win­ery at 18 Brix. The free run juice result­ing from a light press­ing, was fer­ment­ed slow­ly to dry­ness at low tem­per­a­tures in a stain­less-steel tank to pre­serve all the bright fruit fla­vors and aro­mas. In Decem­ber, this cuvée, along with a mix­ture of sug­ar, yeast, and nutri­ents (called tirage) was bot­tled and allowed to fer­ment cre­at­ing the fine bub­bles. After 18 months of aging on the lees, which cre­ates toasty yeast notes, the bot­tles are rid­dled and then dis­gorged. Anoth­er splash of cuvée is added along with a small amount of dosage, adjust­ing the sweet­ness to the dry Brut lev­el. Tra­di­tion­al corks and wire cages are then put on the bot­tles to ready them for enjoyment. 

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Dam Fine Wines

At Cas­toro Cel­lars all of our wines are sourced exclu­sive­ly from our Estate Grown Vine­yards all through­out the Paso Rob­les appel­la­tion. Our organ­i­cal­ly farmed vine­yards pro­vide us with some of the best fruit on the Cen­tral Coast, result­ing in world-class wines. With over 20 wines to choose from and over 35 years of expe­ri­ence it’s hard to go wrong with a bot­tle of Dam Fine Wine!

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