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IMG 3773

Lunar New Year Yoga & Ceremonial Tea

Sunday January 26th @ 9:30am - 11:30am

Cas­toro Cel­lars invites you to join us in wel­com­ing the Year of the Yin Wood Snake with the slow, inten­tion­al rit­u­als of yin yoga and med­i­ta­tive tea. Begin with a one-hour ses­sion of restora­tive yin yoga with Lau­ren Udsen, designed to release the dynam­ic ener­gies of the Drag­on and align with the wis­dom of the Snake. This prac­tice invites us to embrace the art of ener­gy preser­va­tion and balance.

Fol­low­ing yoga, immerse your­self in a med­i­ta­tive tea cer­e­mo­ny with Jen­nifer de Tré­glodé, a jour­ney inward to your cen­ter. In this tran­quil space, we’ll reflect and set inten­tions. guid­ed by the snake’s deep wis­dom, strength, sub­tle pow­er, and trans­for­ma­tive ener­gies to call forth our aspi­ra­tions for the new lunar year.

9:30am — 11:30am

$45 for mem­bers $50 for non members.