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Whale Rock Wine Down Tourney

5 YR Anniversary

Hosted by Castoro Cellars

With Sup­port from Bear Roots Disc Golf Club

The Whale Rock Wine Down Tour­ney is our annu­al fun spir­it­ed cel­e­bra­tion of the course’s intro­duc­tion in 2014. This pre­mier tour­na­ment is held to appre­ci­ate the beau­ti­ful disc golf com­mu­ni­ty on the Cen­tral Coast and beyond. You have made this course thrive for 5 years it’s time crown the King and Queen of Whale Rock DGC for anoth­er year! You are all the heart and soul of this place- we thank you!


LIVE MUSIC! Plus we have added mul­ti­ple divi­sions to fit all disc golfers! Prizes for 1 – 3 in all divi­sions, CTP, a raf­fle, spir­it award and give­aways to be had! Per usu­al we will have an alter­na­tive course lay­out to keep things inter­est­ing. The round is capped off with an awards cer­e­mo­ny and com­pli­men­ta­ry BBQ lunch catered by Bethel Rd. Kitchen plus Cas­toro Cel­lars wine + local beer/​cider tast­ing galore. ;)

-Gen­er­al Recre­ation (Casual/​Fun/​Recreational Men+Women Divi­sion)
-Open (Top Com­pet­i­tive Divi­sion)
-Advanced Am (Com­pet­i­tive Divi­sion)
-Ama­teur Mas­ters 50+
-Advanced Women (Com­pet­i­tive Wom­en’s Divi­sion)
-Ama­teur Mas­ters Women 50+
-Gen­er­al Junior Recre­ation (<18 Boys+Girls)
*Lunch includ­ed for all reg­is­tered play­ers!

Choose whichev­er you are com­fort­able with! We will need 3 par­tic­i­pants per divi­sion to be viable

Check In Opens at — 7:00 am
Play­ers Meet­ing at — 8:30 am
Round Begins Shot­gun Style — 8:45am
Live Music — 11:30 am (TBD)
Lunch — 12:00 pm
Raf­fle Starts — 12:30 pm
Awards Cer­e­mo­ny — 1:00 pm

This non-PDGA sanc­tioned event gives you a chance to get out with your fel­low disc golfers and toss a stress free round or com­pete at the high­est lev­el. Either way we want you to enjoy what you love most about the sport and have a Dam Fine Time. Bring your non-disc golfer friend and/​or sig­nif­i­cant oth­er to enjoy the BBQ and tast­ing, just $20.

Thank your for your sup­port in mak­ing WRDGC a world class disc golf course and for respect­ing it as a place to fos­ter a healthy com­mu­ni­ty of plas­tic throw­ing friends.

COME CEL­E­BRATE WITH US!!! Cheers to many more!

Reg­is­ter Now!