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ZZAH — Wine Festival Weekend

May 18th - May 19th

ZZAH con­sists of five tal­ent­ed and ded­i­cat­ed musi­cians: Key­boardist Richard Garoogian, Gui­tarist Rod Borges, Drummer/​Percussionist Bil­ly Neus­baum, Bassist Mike Gruwell and Per­cus­sion­ist Ron Gib­ian. The band hails from Cen­tral Cal­i­for­nia, an area whose con­tri­bu­tion to the world of music is rich and plen­ti­ful. Though from Cal­i­for­nia their music souls reflect the tra­di­tions of the East Coast. These are seri­ous musi­cians, yet their play­ing mir­rors their sense of joy and effer­ves­cence – the mean­ing of the word ZZAH. This is a band whose great­est joy is turn­ing peo­ple on to their band of con­tem­po­rary jazz… melod­ic West Coast sen­si­bil­i­ties with an East Coast approach to solo­ing.

ZZAH has been fea­tured at the Russ­ian Riv­er Jazz Fes­ti­val, the San­ta Bar­bara Jazz Fes­ti­val and the Sier­ra Sum­mer Fes­ti­val, as well as count­less venues up and down the West Coast includ­ing the famous Great Amer­i­can Music Hall in San Fran­cis­co. The group has appeared with George Ben­son, Bil­lie Pre­ston (the 5th Bea­t­le), Spy­ro Gyra, David Benoit, The Yel­low­jack­ets, Pan­cho Sanchez, May­nard Fer­gu­son, Joe Sam­ple, Lar­ry Carl­ton, Richard Elliot… The list goes on and on!

Sat­ur­day, May 18th 12 – 4pm 

Sun­day, May 19th 12 – 4pm

Two ways to enjoy the show:

No reser­va­tion required. Feel free to bring your own chair or own blanket.

Food by Hun­gry Moth­er Food Truck

**No out­side food will be permitted