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Castoro Cellars Presents: Peppino D’Agostino

Saturday December 7th @ 6:30pm - 9:30pm

A native of Italy, D’Agostino has made his con­sid­er­able inter­na­tion­al mark as a musi­cal artist on the gui­tar since he arrived in Amer­i­ca 33 years ago. In 2017 Gui­tar Play­er list­ed him as one of the 50 tran­scen­dent super­heros of the acoustic gui­tar. The CD Every Step of The Way” was award­ed by Acoustic Gui­tar’s Peo­ples Choice Awards with a Bronze medal for Best Acoustic Album of All Time. His sig­na­ture Seag­ull acoustic gui­tar has been vot­ed among the ten best sig­na­ture gui­tars by Gui­tar Play­er magazine.

Pep­pino gives gui­tar work­shops, mas­ter class­es and sem­i­nars world­wide. Top lead­ing pub­lish­ers such as True­fire, Alfred Pub­lish­ing, Hal Leonard and Acoustic Gui­tar Mag­a­zine Books have pub­lished his com­po­si­tions and instruc­tion­al methods. 

To date Pep­pino has record­ed 18 CD’s, per­formed in over thir­ty three coun­tries at inter­na­tion­al fes­ti­vals and con­cert halls. He has shared the stage with such greats as Lar­ry Carl­ton, Eric John­son, Tom­my Emmanuel, Leo Kot­tke, Mar­tin Tay­lor, Roland Dyens, David Tanen­baum, and many more. D’Agosti­no’s lat­est solo CD Penum­bra” was released by Mesa Blue Moon Recordings.

Indoor Show

Doors open at 6:30pm, show begins at 7:30pm

No food will be available