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S Pcc051524sq

Good Medicine Presents! Steve Poltz

Wednesday May 15th @ 6:00pm - 10:00pm

This is the sto­ry of Steve Poltz. 

Some peo­ple start life with a plan. Not Steve. He opens him­self up to the uni­verse in a way most of us will nev­er be loose enough to achieve, and the uni­verse responds with a wink, a seem­ing­ly bot­tom­less well of inspi­ra­tion, and the tal­ent to tru­ly con­nect with an audi­ence. While 2021 could have found him adrift, faced with a tour mora­to­ri­um the likes of which he hadn’t expe­ri­enced in decades, it opened a door — lit­er­al­ly, his friend Oliv­er Wood of The Wood Brother’s door — to cre­at­ing an exu­ber­ant, thought­ful batch of songs that cel­e­brate life in all of its stages. 

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Doors open at 6pm

Show starts at 7pm

This is an out­door show

Food by Hun­gry Mother

Please, no out­side food. Bring your own low­back chair or we pro­vide them!