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P Ccc090124

Good Medicine Presents: Pablo Cruise

Sunday September 1st @ 7:00pm - 9:30pm

In 1975 Pablo Cruise released its first A&M album sim­ply enti­tled Pablo Cruise. The album cov­er was shot in the trop­i­cal gar­dens of San Francisco’s Gold­en Gate Park and it fea­tured a huge goril­la stand­ing front and cen­ter. The band, David Jenk­ins (gui­tars, vocals), Cory Lerios(keyboards, vocals), Bud Cock­er­el (bass, vocals) and Steve Price (drums, per­cus­sion) were no where in sight. At that point there was a bit of a mys­tique sur­round­ing Pablo Cruise and when asked what Pablo Cruise meant, the well-rehearsed answer went some­thing like this: Pablo”, rep­re­sents an hon­est, real, down to earth indi­vid­ual, and Cruise” depicts his fun lov­ing, easy going atti­tude towards life: In essence that’s what Pablo Cruise music is all about. Hon­est, real down to earth vocals, accom­pa­nied by fun yet ele­gant, infec­tious grooves. To hear Pablo Cruise on record is one thing, but to expe­ri­ence the band live is an exhil­a­rat­ing event!

Pablo CruiseCas­toro Cel­lars
Sun­day Sept. 1

7pm doors/​8pm show starts — All Ages $55/60

This will be an out­door show. Seat­ing is first come first serve. Please feel free to bring low-back chairs (high back chairs will need to be seat­ed towards the back).

Food truck will be onsite. No out­side food will be permitted.