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PRWCA Summer Block Part 003

46 West Endless Summer Block Party

Saturday July 6th @ 6:00pm - 9:00pm

Hey there, Big Kahu­nas and Lit­tle Wahines! Get ready to ride the wave of sum­mer fun with the coolest crew around – the Winer­ies of the 46 West!

Mark your cal­en­dars for Sat­ur­day, July 6th, and head over to Peachy Canyon Win­ery for a siz­zlin’ soirée burst­ing with island vibes fea­tur­ing over 20 winer­ies in a laid-back, stroll-and-sip tast­ing adven­ture.

Tick­ets are a steal at just $56 but we have a spe­cial dis­count code for our Cas­toro fol­low­ers. The Pro­mo Code is: 10SUMMER for $10 off per tick­et ! Grab yours for $10 off now to secure your spot at the HOTTEST par­ty of the sum­mer. But that’s not all – your tick­et also unlocks:

- A chance to win wine out of our mys­tery box so be sure to dress to impress in your Island best and get Lei’ed.
- Exclu­sive access to the 46 West Dig­i­tal Pass­port pro­gram, mak­ing you a Mem­ber for the Day at par­tic­i­pat­ing 46 West Winer­ies. This is over a $300 dol­lar val­ue.

Missed our leg­endary HaloWine event last year? No wor­ries! DJ Chad is back by pop­u­lar demand, spin­ning beats that’ll trans­port you straight to a trop­i­cal par­adise.

Hun­gry? Local food ven­dors will be serv­ing up tasty bites to keep you fueled and fab­u­lous.

Don’t miss out on this epic evening. Snag your dis­count­ed tick­ets NOW (Get Tick­ets). Pro­mo Code is: 10SUMMER for $10 off per tick­et — but hur­ry, these tick­ets are hot­ter than a sum­mer day on the beach and they WILL sell out.

Maha­lo and see you there.

The Fine Print: This is a 21 and over event, no excep­tions. While we love our four legged friends, please leave your pets at home, they will not be allowed in. The 46 West Winer­ies encour­age you to enjoy respon­si­bly and des­ig­nate a dri­ver or uti­lize rideshare. 

Sat­ur­day July 6th 

6pm-9pm at Peachy Canyon Winery