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6 O7 A5549

Guided Vineyard E‑Bike Tour

Saturday October 19th @ 1:30pm - 4:00pm

Take a fun and infor­ma­tive guid­ed e‑bike tour with Vine Cycle Tours through our beau­ti­ful Whale Rock Vine­yard! Dur­ing this all-lev­els ride, you’ll learn about sus­tain­able and organ­ic farm­ing prac­tices, toss a disc on the disc golf course and enjoy a sip of sparkling rosé amongst the vines. There will be a stop at our beau­ti­ful Bethel Rd Dis­tillery and Win­ery to take in the view while tast­ing a bit of spir­its or wine before return­ing to Cas­toro Cel­lars. After the ride, sit, relax and enjoy a table-side wine tasting. 

Reser­va­tions and pre­pay­ment are required 48hrs in advance. A min­i­mum of 4 guests are required for a tour. Can­cel­la­tions or no shows by guest with­in 24hrs will be charged a $50 can­cel­la­tion fee per per­son. Rid­ers must be 21+

Guid­ed Vine­yard E‑bike Tours in the Whale Rock Vineyard