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Wine Tasting 101

Saturday June 8th @ 11:00am - 12:30pm

Ever won­dered why peo­ple swirl their wine? Have you strug­gled to iden­ti­fy what you are smelling, see­ing or tast­ing in the wine?

Join us for this fun, casu­al and infor­ma­tive session. 

This ses­sion is to help bring a basic under­stand­ing of wine tast­ing” to the begin­ner or casu­al wine drinker. The goal is to make you feel com­fort­able in a tast­ing set­ting, and to know the lan­guage that will help you describe what you are experiencing.

We will taste through five wines, and give you some tools and visu­al aids that will help iden­ti­fy the sight, smell and taste of the wines.

The ses­sion will end with a Q&A and charcuterie.

Sat­ur­day June 8th

11am — 12:30pm