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SHIP­PING INCLUD­ED on orders over $199.00

Web Wednesday

Every Wednes­day we have a one day sale, with dis­counts up to 50% off and more!

Check back on Wednesday!

Aged to Perfection

(Like the Beaver)

In Our Cel­lar

Cabernet Sauvignon


Six Bottles
$249 Shipped ($199 Club)

Take advan­tage of our exclu­sive sale on the 2018 Reserve Caber­net Sauvi­gnon, metic­u­lous­ly aged in bot­tle to per­fec­tion in our cel­lar. This lim­it­ed offer is your chance to pur­chase a ready-to-enjoy wine that’s been cared for in our cellars.

Why Aged Wine? Bot­tle aging enhances the wine’s com­plex­i­ty and smooth­ness. Our 2018 vin­tage fea­tures well-inte­grat­ed fla­vors of dark fruits and sub­tle spices, per­fect for imme­di­ate enjoy­ment or fur­ther aging in your own cellar.

Lim­it­ed Stock Alert This offer is strict­ly while stock last. Once our lim­it­ed sup­ply of this care­ful­ly aged wine is gone, it’s tru­ly gone.

We appre­ci­ate your sup­port and are excit­ed to share this beau­ti­ful­ly aged wine with you.