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Our Tasting Room Team

At Castoro Cellars our Tasting Room staff is highly trained and eager to make your tasting experience one to remember. Whether you are a seasoned taster or out for the first time, they are sure to accommodate your needs and make you feel at home.

Ryan-Mc Guire-Wine-Club-Manager

Ryan McGuire

Ryan is a Paso Rob­les native and has worked in the wine indus­try for over 10 years. He start­ed his career in wine as a vine­yard man­age­ment intern in high school, fre­quent­ly work­ing on Castoro’s vine­yards, among others.

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6 O7 A3999

Tischa Culver

In 2014, Tis­cha and her hus­band moved from New Jer­sey to San Diego. In 2021 they made the tran­si­tion to Paso Rob­les as her edu­ca­tion and love of wine grew. Tis­cha has been involved in the wine indus­try for almost 20 years. She is a Som­me­li­er and a Cer­ti­fied Spe­cial­ist of wine. She’s also an actor in her oth­er life. When not wine tast­ing around the region, she enjoys hik­ing, beach time, trav­el­ing and find­ing new culi­nary experiences.

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5 V5 A2636

Brady Winter

Brady was born and raised in South­ern Cal­i­for­nia and moved the fam­i­ly to Paso Rob­les in 2002 look­ing for a bet­ter lifestyle here on the Cen­tral Coast. Work­ing for a small, fam­i­ly owned and oper­at­ed win­ery and vine­yard for 14 years gave him expe­ri­ence in almost every facet of the wine busi­ness. Brady loves to golf, ski, and scu­ba dive in his spare time and brings his many years of expe­ri­ence to Cas­toro as part of the dam fine” Wine Club Team.

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6 O7 A4009

Cathy Hoover


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6 O7 A4022 6

Angela Rasmussen

Angela Ras­mussen

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6 O7 A6122

Sherry Sweeny

Sher­ry Sweeny

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6 O7 A3985

Gary Brochtrup

Gary Brochtrup was born in South­ern Cal­i­for­nia. He moved to Mor­ro Bay with his wife right after get­ting mar­ried in 1991. In their spare time, they start­ed explor­ing the hand­ful of Paso winer­ies. They kept return­ing to Cas­toro for the deli­cious wine and the friend­ly and wel­com­ing ser­vice. Short­ly, they became wine club members.

A cou­ple of decades lat­er, Gary retired from the Postal ser­vice after 36 years. With each vis­it to Cas­toro, Gary noticed that the employ­ees seemed to be hav­ing a good time, and he thought it would be a fun place to work! This has turned out to be true!

In his free time, Gary enjoys hik­ing, walk­ing on the beach, explor­ing oth­er winer­ies, and root­ing for the Braves!

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6 O7 A2945

Janet Carnegie

Mor­ro Bay is Janet’s home port! Spend­ing her youth explor­ing the many local trails on horse­back, total­ly inspired her adult life. Still able to find those old trails of long ago, although now on foot. She’s in con­stant awe of where she grew-up! After rais­ing five free spir­it­ed chil­dren on the cen­tral coast, Janet took a minute to pour her­self a glass of wine. There’s always a great sto­ry in a glass of wine! She has been pour­ing Dam Fine Wine” for 15 years… now that’s hard to believe! It has tru­ly been great to share the sto­ry of Cas­toro Cel­lars and tell of Neils and Bimmer’s Udsen’s com­mu­ni­ty and fam­i­ly val­ues.
On her days off you might spot her out kayak­ing on the bay, walk­ing miles on the beach or danc­ing always bare­foot at one of our many com­mu­ni­ty concerts.

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