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Christian Steele

Tast­ing Room Lead

Chris­t­ian was born and raised in the cen­tral coast, though he has lived in many oth­er places through­out his life, he always finds his way back to the beau­ti­ful rolling hills of Paso Rob­les. He start­ed his endeav­our into the wine indus­try 5 years ago and since then has worked in almost every asset the indus­try has to offer. With an edu­ca­tion in Envi­ron­men­tal Sci­ence he loves talk­ing about all of the dif­fer­ent fac­tors that make Paso the amaz­ing wine region that it is. In his free time Chris­t­ian loves to hike, snow­board, and cook new and deli­cious food for him and all of his friends.