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SHIP­PING INCLUD­ED on wine orders over $199.00

6 O7 A4215 2x

The Family Pack

A fes­tive selec­tion of Cas­toro & Bethel Rd. Wines
This pack includes four bot­tles, one white and three reds, and fea­tures the best of Cas­toro Cel­lars and our sis­ter win­ery, Bethel Rd. The selec­tion includes Bethel Rd. Tem­pranil­lo, Bethel Rd. Grenache Blanc, Cas­toro Cel­lars Prim­i­ti­vo, and Cas­toro Cel­lars Balena.

$150 ($115 for club members)


  • A sleek, black, four bot­tle gift box
  • A hand­writ­ten card
  • Ship­ping included!

Add a cus­tom mes­sage to your gift pack under Order Notes”.

Pic­ture may vary from actu­al selection

6 O7 A2601
Dam Fine Club

At Castoro we treat our wine club members like family and we pride ourselves on having a wide variety of options and benefits. Join our club and join the family today!

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