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SHIP­PING INCLUD­ED on wine orders over $199.00


Grape Juice

750 ml

Nat­u­ral­ly Sweet — made from wine grapes.

This juice is pro­duced from pre­mi­um Zin­fan­del and Mer­lot grapes from the Paso Rob­les appel­la­tion. The grapes are crushed, juice recov­ered, and chilled to a near-freez­ing tem­per­a­ture to avoid any fer­men­ta­tion. The juice is bot­tled just weeks after har­vest­ing to keep the prod­uct as fresh as pos­si­ble for your enjoy­ment. A slight effer­ves­cence from the cold tem­per­a­ture adds to the fresh­ness. Ster­ile fil­tra­tion and care­ful bot­tling elim­i­nates the need for preser­v­a­tives or pas­teur­iza­tion. A great thirst quencher for any­one, any­time. Serve chilled with your favorite meal or for a unique sum­mer refresh­ment, mix with seltzer water, add a slice of lime and a cou­ple of ice cubes!

6 O7 A2601
Dam Fine Club

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