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SHIP­PING INCLUD­ED on wine orders over $199.00



Wine bot­tle or water bot­tle? You decide. Either way, don’t let bro­ken glass rain on your parade (or pic­nic) with the 750mL Bot­tle. Designed to hold a bot­tle of wine AND keep those liq­uid grapes at the ide­al tem­per­a­ture, some opt to car­ry their dai­ly water intake in style with this stunner. 

750mL // 25oz
Holds full stan­dard bot­tle of wine
Thermo3D®️ dou­ble wall vac­u­um insu­la­tion – keeps hot stuff hot and cold stuff cold
188 stain­less steel
Thread­ed lid
Does not sweat
BPA free – no Bad Plas­tic Awful­ness (or Bisphe­nol A) here
Hard­shell™️ pow­der coat fin­ish – safe, durable and classy

6 O7 A2601
Dam Fine Club

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