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2021 Bethel Rd. LN6

Craft­ed with pas­sion, the 2021 LN. 6 epit­o­mizes the artistry of wine­mak­ing from the Tem­ple­ton Gap in Paso Rob­les. This hand-har­vest­ed blend of 75% Caber­net Sauvi­gnon, 14% Tan­nat, 9% Petite Ver­dot, and 2% Mal­bec offers a rich tapes­try of fla­vors and aro­mas. Aged for 26 months in French oak bar­rels, it reveals a cap­ti­vat­ing bou­quet of vio­lets, leather, spice, smoked meat, and dark black fruits. On the palate, you’ll dis­cov­er lay­ers of ripe black­ber­ry and cher­ry, inter­twined with vanil­la spice and cig­ar box notes, all sup­port­ed by sup­ple tannins.

Ide­al for pair­ing with hearty dish­es like a blue cheese burg­er, filet mignon, or slow-cooked beef stew, this wine is as ver­sa­tile as it is lux­u­ri­ous. Cer­ti­fied organ­ic, the 2021 vin­tage boasts a per­fect bal­ance of bright fruit and vel­vety tan­nins. Lim­it­ed to just 300 cas­es, this Bor­deaux-inspired blend is smooth, com­plex, and tru­ly one-of-a-kind.

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  • Vintage


  • Appellation

    Templeton Gap

  • Varietal

    Red Blend

  • Aging

    26 months in 60% new and 40% neutral French oak barrels and puncheons.

  • Alcohol


Paso Robles’ first 100% certified sustainable vineyards & winery.

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Dam Fine Wines

At Cas­toro Cel­lars all of our wines are sourced exclu­sive­ly from our Estate Grown Vine­yards all through­out the Paso Rob­les appel­la­tion. Our organ­i­cal­ly farmed vine­yards pro­vide us with some of the best fruit on the Cen­tral Coast, result­ing in world-class wines. With over 20 wines to choose from and over 35 years of expe­ri­ence it’s hard to go wrong with a bot­tle of Dam Fine Wine!

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