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SHIP­PING INCLUD­ED on wine orders over $199.00

CAS Zin Can22 4pk c 2x 1

Canned Zinfusion

Four 250ml cans — equals 1 13 bot­tles of wine

  • Portable light weight & ready for adventure
  • Cans are 400 times lighter than glass, reduc­ing car­bon emis­sions in trans­port by up to 80%
  • 250ml per can is just over a typ­i­cal glass of wine, which is great if you don’t want to open a whole bot­tle or take an entire bot­tle on a pic­nic etc.
  • Cans are recy­clable and easy to pack out on hikes, camp­ing trips and more!
  • Cans are the ide­al for­mat to pre­serve fresh­ness and vibrancy

Zin­fu­sion has become quite a cov­et­ed wine amongst Zin lovers! This Paso Rob­les Zin­fan­del is a mar­riage of our SIP (Sus­tain­abil­i­ty in Prac­tice) and CCOF organ­ic cer­ti­fied Estate grown Zin­fan­del, Prim­i­ti­vo and Petite Sir­ah. Each cho­sen for their unique loca­tion and excel­lent viti­cul­ture prac­tices. This wine is dry, yet fruity; great for late after­noon grilling of your favorite red meat or salmon.

6 O7 A2601
Dam Fine Club

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