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Lazy Locals- Free Concert! — Dante Marsh and the Vibesetters — Mother’s Day Show

Sunday May 11th @ 1:00pm - 4:00pm

Join us for anoth­er great Lazy Locals!

Food by Choco’s Tacos

The Vibe Set­ters are a soul­ful funk band with heavy grooves and col­or­ful melodies. The band con­sists of 5 mem­bers. Dante Marsh — lead singer, Drake Free­man — bassist, Jon Mill­sap — lead gui­tarist, Tim Cos­ta — per­cus­sion­ist, and Ger­ald Puri­fy — drummer.

Sun­day, May 11th from 1 – 4pm

Food by Choco’s Tacos

- Seat­ing is open. Table-side tast­ings will not be available.

- You can also sit on the grass with a low back chair or blan­ket and enjoy the show! No reser­va­tion required.

**No out­side food will be permitted