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6 O7 A5267

Lazy Locals — Free Concert! — Earls of Tuesday

Sunday June 1st @ 1:00pm - 4:00pm

Join us for anoth­er Lazy Locals con­cert day!

Live music, Dam Fine Wine, and Food by Chocos Tacos

Earls of Tues­day is a band with a sweet blend of musi­cian­ship and vocal harmonies.

They com­bine clas­sic and folk rock with a soul­ful, root­sy coun­try-blues sound. The three lead vocal­ists alter­nate the lead vocal, and their tight har­monies add a spe­cial sound. The Earls of Tues­day song list includes every­thing from orig­i­nal tunes from their recent CD release, Back­roads, to cov­ers of pop­u­lar artists, like; Kei­thUr­ban, Chris Sta­ple­ton, John Hiatt, Cros­by Stills Nash & Young and the Beatles. 

They per­form songs great for singing along, danc­ing, and gen­er­al­ly cre­at­ing a vibe per­fect for cel­e­brat­ing the day.

Sun­day, June 1st from 1 – 4 pm

Food by Chocos Tacos

Two ways to enjoy the show: 

1) Reserve a table online and enjoy the show from your own table from 1:00 – 4:00. 1 bot­tle pur­chase minimum.

2) Sit on the grass with your own lawn chair or blan­ket and enjoy the show! No reser­va­tion is required.

**No out­side food will be permitted