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Untitled 1

Damon Castillo Band

Saturday June 7th @ 6:00pm - 9:30pm

Damon Castil­lo is a song­writer, musi­cian, pro­duc­er, and mix­er based in San Luis Obis­po, Cal­i­for­nia. As an artist, he leads the Damon Castil­lo Band, whose eclec­tic, jazz-informed rock, funk, and soul paints a sun-bleached por­trait of life and love in the Gold­en State. The band’s albums include Mess of Me, Lau­rel Lane, Live at the Mis­sion, and Revolv­ing Door, which fea­ture the work of his long-time band as well as Gram­my Award-win­ning pro­duc­er Ross Hog­a­rth; Gram­my Award-win­ning mix­er F. Reid Ship­pen; and guest musi­cians like Sheila E., Aaron Ster­ling, and Sean Hurley. 

Apart from record­ing and tour­ing with the band, Castil­lo owns and oper­ates Lau­rel Lane, a stu­dio where he pro­duces and mix­es albums for count­less artists and com­pos­es music that has appeared in nation­al cam­paigns for Tar­get, Star­bucks, Miller Lite, MTV, and many oth­ers. As a song­writer, Damon signed a pub­lish­ing con­tract with Warn­er Chap­pell in 2005.

Damon attend­ed Berklee Col­lege of Music in Boston. He’s shared the stage with Chica­go, John Scofield, The Temp­ta­tions, Train, Chris Isaak and many more. Recent sin­gles include Say It Now”, Blue Sky”, and My Kind of Jam”.

Doors 6:00pm | Show 6:30pm | All ages

$10 admis­sion | Free for club mem­bers & kids 12 and under

Food avail­able for pur­chase from Choco’s Tacos