2020 PRWCA Environmental Winery of the Year Recipient
What is Sustainability?
Sustainability is the act of incorporating environmental responsibility, social equity and economic viability in all aspects of the winemaking process in order to ensure that future generations will be able to enjoy the fruits of the land as we enjoy them today. In its purest form sustainability is the act of living and doing business in ways that do not deplete the natural environment and its precious resources.
Why is it important?
At Castoro Cellars we believe that every little bit helps and every positive change makes a difference that can be felt across the world. For this reason, we have been at the forefront of sustainable farming and winemaking in Paso Robles for nearly 30 years.
Solar Power at Castoro Cellars:
At Castoro Cellars we understand the importance of finding alternative energy sources that will help us lessen our impact on the natural environment. In 2006 Castoro Cellars installed 42 solar panels at our Cobble Creek vineyard and installed an even larger solar panel system on the roof of our events room located beside the tasting room in Templeton. In 2012 an addtional solar array was installed at our Dos Vinas vineyard to offset the energy needed to power two wells and a home that occupy the property. Most recently in 2015 our largest installation to date was installed with an annual production of 1,042,403 kWh. The power generated from these panels allows us to minimize our impact on the environment and support a system we believe to be necessary for a sustainable future.
Electric Monarch Tractors:
The future of farming
We are very excited to be stepping into a new realm of farming with our fleet of fully electric Monarch tractors. These tractors not only operate exclusively on battery power, they are able to work autonomously using gps coordinate.
We are still in the beginning phases of the adventure but we are very excited about where it will take us.
Sustainable Agriculture at Castoro:
What is Sustainable Agriculture?
Sustainable agriculture promotes the stewardship of both natural and human resources with the goal of integrating environmentally sound practices, social equity and economic feasibility into all decisions made about the vineyards.
Organic and SIP Certified Vineyards at Castoro Cellars:
Castoro Cellars’ vineyards are completely grown in compliance by the California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF) which is compliant with USDA standards. The certification covers the west side Cobble Creek vineyard, Whale Rock vineyard, Stone’s Throw and a portion of the Blind Faith estate vineyard. Each vineyard must be farmed without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or chemical fertilizers. Along with being 100% organically grown, every vineyard is also 100% SIP certified.

Sustainability in Practice (SIP) Certification
- SIP Certification is available to growers and wineries throughout California.
- SIP looks at the whole farm verifying the farmers commitment to environmental stewardship, equitable treatment of employees, and business sustainability.
- SIP is a practice and performance-based
- SIP has a high threshold for eligibility
- SIP prohibits the use of high-risk pesticides (organophosphates, groundwater contaminants, just to name a few).
- A bottle of wine can bear the SIP Seal, given it has undergone a chain of custody audit confirming it is made with at least 85% SIP Certified fruit